Epilepsy Toronto is nominated
Every click & share counts! You can help Epilepsy Toronto get a $5K donation from ALIGNED Insurance
Share this page with your social media networks. Encourage others to visit and share this webpage too! Like ALIGNED content about our Giving Generously 2021 campaign on our social media feeds such as: LinkedIn, Facebook & Instagram.
We believe in giving. That’s why a portion of our profits are donated to a registered Canadian charity that we invite you to help us select. And it is why we’re thrilled to advise that an ALIGNED Insurance client nominated Epilepsy Toronto to receive our Giving Generously 2021 donation.
If this page has the most visitors between Wednesday, October 20, 2021 and 11:59 pm Friday, December 10, 2021, Epilepsy Toronto will receive our Giving Generously 2021 donation of $5,000.
Here’s some info about Epilepsy Toronto and how they help people with epilepsy live life to the fullest…
Established in 1956, Epilepsy Toronto is a charity solely dedicated to supporting people with epilepsy while helping them thrive in life despite the hardships and challenges brought by the condition.
For the past six decades, Epilepsy Toronto has lifted up more than 40,000 people by providing free support, education, employment advice and counseling while raising awareness about epileptic seizures and the numerous challenges they bring.
At Epilepsy Toronto, each area of possible concern is addressed with utmost dedication and commitment, starting “from the first diagnosis of a child, to the struggles that young people face, to adult needs such as confidence and skill-building and relationships.”1
Epilepsy Toronto – How they help
Epilepsy Toronto’s mission of helping create a world in which people with epilepsy are widely understood and supported includes:
- Providing one-on-one expert counselling to parents on how to adequately deal with the social, medical or educational challenges their children may be faced with
- Helping people with epilepsy by providing them with the tools and knowledge necessary to manage their condition and achieve their goals in life. This includes dedicated support groups with understanding and like-minded people.
- Helping people overcome the challenges associated with finding gainful employment as a person with epilepsy
- Raising awareness and educating the community to help fight the stigma surrounding epilepsy
Key programs: Children and Youth Services, Adult Services, Employment Services, Outreach and Communication
What people say about Epilepsy Toronto:
“They are so much more than support, they are family. Amazing compassionate intelligent organization with the staff with the hugest of hearts”2 – Danielle Guerard
“I can’t say enough good things about Epilepsy Toronto. I have been involved for over twenty years now. The staff & other clients are my family now.”3 – Lee-Ann Murphy
“They have helped me immensely during a hard time coming to terms with my diagnoses and sudden onset of tonic-clonic seizures on a semi-regular basis. I started feeling more myself after seeing a therapist at Epilepsy Toronto, and that was a huge relief. I definitely recommend reaching out to them if you’re having a hard time dealing with having epilepsy.”4 – Brendan McDermott
“Epilepsy Toronto has helped my family when my little brother got diagnosed. I hope other people see the hard work they do for people with epilepsy. Excellent staff as well.”5 – Amanda Lopez
To learn more about how Epilepsy Toronto helps people with epilepsy live a happier and more fulfilling life, please visit epilepsytoronto.org
Epilepsy Toronto – Visit, revisit & share this page now!
You can help Epilepsy Toronto get ALIGNED with our Giving Generously donation. The Canadian charity webpage with the most visitors between Wednesday, October 20, 2021 and 11:59 pm Friday, December 10, 2021 will receive our 2021 donation.
5 ways you can help Epilepsy Toronto become our Giving Generously 2021 Charity!
- Right now, take a moment to share this page with all of your social media networks and colleagues.
- Encourage others, including Epilepsy Toronto, to visit and share this webpage too!
- Like and share ALIGNED Insurance content about nominated Giving Generously 2021 charities on our social media feeds such as: LinkedIn, Facebook & Instagram.
- Keep visiting and sharing this webpage until the campaign closes at 11:59 pm Friday, December 10, 2021. The Giving Generously charity page with the most visits – aka clicks – during the campaign period will receive a $5K ALIGNED Insurance donation at the end of the campaign period.
- Stay tuned! Learn about the ALIGNED Insurance Giving Generously 2021 charity in a special issue of ALIGNMENT Matters, our monthly e-newsletter. Click on the Join Our Distribution List button at the bottom of our homepage.
Giving Generously 2021 – Our Social Responsibility Campaign
People helping people is how we deliver better business insurance. ALIGNED is known for consistently delivering a better insurance experience to Canadian businesses. Each and every day, we do this by:
- Being fiercely independent – our brokerage is 100% owned by us, not by any insurance company
- Doing what we say we’re going to do when we say we’re going to do it
- Fulfilling our social responsibility to help others
Since 2014, we’ve donated to more than 40 Canadian charities through our social responsibility initiatives. We know it’s a privilege to handle our clients’ insurance needs and that’s why GIVING frequently, consistently and GENEROUSLY is essential to all of us.
Each year, a portion of ALIGNED Insurance profits are donated to a Canadian charity that is nominated by an ALIGNED client. During the Giving Generously campaign, people vote by visiting web pages that ALIGNED builds to celebrate each charity and the great work they do.
Our annual Giving Generously donation is made to the registered Canadian charity that receives the most “votes” which are recorded as web page sessions.
If you have any questions about Giving Generously or would like to know more about how an ALIGNED Insurance Advocate can get you connected with better business insurance, simply email assistants@alignedinsurance.com.
Source(s): 1epilepsytoronto.org, 2,3facebook.com/epilepsytoronto, 4,5trustburn.com/reviews/epilepsy-toronto