How to get your cyber liability insurance ALIGNED…
Every second counts. When it comes to cyber security, the time it takes to click open a phishing link might be all it takes to put your business – of any size – at significant risk. Cyber hackers have stepped up their game. And Canadian businesses are stepping up their cyber security protocols and risk management activities to keep pace with growing liability threats.
Member-based non-profit CIRA (the Canadian Internet Registration Authority) reports:
- “40 per cent of respondents experienced a cyber-attack in the last 12 months. Among large businesses, 250-499 employees, this number increases to 66 percent. Overall, one in ten experienced 20 or more attacks.
- 67 per cent of respondents outsource at least part of the cybersecurity footprint to external vendors.
- One-third of respondents indicated that the most significant impact of a cyber-attack is the time and resources required to respond to the incident.”1
Related Matters: Fall 2018 Cybersecurity Survey Report
We know time is of the essence to prevent, manage and respond to cyber risk in your business. That’s why we now offer Canadian cyber liability insurance for multiple industries online.
Here are the simple steps to get your online cyber liability aligned.
Canadian organizations of every size face multiple cyber-related risks. With our online tool, getting a quote for business insurance that is specifically designed to provide cyber liability coverage is just a click away.
To get your online insurance quote for cyber liability started, you just need to confirm what type of business you want to insure. Here are just some of the industries we can align commercial coverage for:
- Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
- Construction
- Manufacturing (excluding Automated Production)
- Wholesale Trade
- Transportation (Trucking Services only)
- Information Technology (excluding Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Payment Processors)
- Real Estate
- Property Managers, Rental and Leasing
- Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
- Administration and Support Services
- Arts (Film and Media)
- Accountants
- Architects and Engineers
- Lawyers
- Other
Once you confirm your industry, we need a few simple details to build your quote. This includes your name, your contact info, the name of your business and a few specifics about your business such as:
- What is the rough projected annual sales/revenue of the person or organization requesting a quote (estimate is fine)?
- When do you need insurance in place by (for example ASAP, next week or so, just looking for an indication, etc.)?
Statistical Matters: Cyber Security and Cybercrime in Canada, 2017 – Statistics Canada
Align your cyber liability with us. Keep current with our insurance insights.
Every day online, we deliver useful and insightful business insurance content to Canadians. Business leaders access our growing online library of insurance info and consult directly with ALIGNED brokers to better understand current and emerging coverage options. We’re proud to help our clients assess the most relevant coverage types, limits, extensions, deductibles and make informed business insurance decisions.
Related Matters: The Globe and Mail “More than 1 in 5 businesses hit by cyberattacks last year: Statcan survey”
Ready to align your business cyber liability with us? Read on.
From website content to client data in your business cloud, cyber exposures are everywhere. It is important to understand that a traditional business liability policy is extremely unlikely to provide comprehensive protection when it comes to most cyber risks. In fact, a commercial general liability aka CGL policy most often explicitly excludes such coverage.
[DYK?] The current Canadian insurance market offers good value to first-time buyers of cyber liability coverage.
Click and be informed | Discover ALIGNED insurance insights
We know how important it is to know what’s included and excluded with your commercial insurance coverage. With every industry struggling to keep up with the rapidly changing marketplace, simply bookmarking a website that features current and useful information can give you informed insights when you make business decisions. That’s why, with more than 850 featured insights, the Insurance Info section of our site is the go-to spot for many people who want useful coverage insights.
Related Matters: Five star Google reviews: What people are saying about ALIGNED Insurance brokers online
Source(s): 1 Fall 2018 Cybersecurity Survey Report; The Globe and Mail “More than 1 in 5 businesses hit by cyberattacks last year: Statcan survey”; Cyber Security and Cybercrime in Canada, 2017 – Statistics Canada;